Wednesday, March 27, 2013

XII Std English- Paper I March 2013 answers

XII Std English- Paper I  March 2013  answers
            SECTION -A 
01.  b. He was awarded for his brave act.
02.  b. Mandela fought for the cause of south Africa.
03.  c. The tourist were marooned on the island.
04.  a. I stood immobile with fear when I heard a gun shot suddenly.
05.  c. The train speeded up before I got in.

B.  Antonyms
06. c. democrat
07. a. ordinary
08. d. inhabited
09. a. love
10. d. lit
C. Answer any ten of the following:
11. Indices – index   or datum – data
12. Idiom: to be on cloud nine = extremely happy
13. CPU- Central Processing Unit.
14. Peace, piece
15. Helicopter + airport= heliport
16. Syllabification : in-tro-duc-tion, fan-tas-tic, con-tact, fa-ci-li-tate
17. Noun: Look at your file.
       Verb: She filed her papers.
18. Movie- film
19. I bought a washing machine
20. Prefix ‘im..’  -  immobile   or   suffix ‘…ness’    -   happiness
21. a) Noun+ Noun  = School+ boy = schoolboy
22. Cut off = stop  , cut short =  make shorter
23.  Advertisement – ad
       Telephone  - phone
           SECTION –B
II.A. Fill in the blanks:
24.  used to
25. goes
26. should/ must
27. will pass
28. who
29. impersonal passive voice
30. SVCA – He is a teacher in Chennai.
31. despite/ in spite of/ after/ before/ in/during
32. though/ although
33. demanded