Std English- Paper I March 2013 answers
01. b. He was awarded for his
brave act.
02. b. Mandela fought for the
cause of south Africa.
03. c. The tourist were
marooned on the island.
04. a. I stood immobile with
fear when I heard a gun shot suddenly.
05. c. The train speeded up
before I got in.
B. Antonyms
06. c. democrat
07. a. ordinary
08. d. inhabited
09. a. love
10. d. lit
C. Answer any ten of the following:
11. Indices – index
or datum – data
12. Idiom: to be on cloud nine = extremely happy
13. CPU- Central Processing Unit.
14. Peace, piece
15. Helicopter + airport= heliport
16. Syllabification : in-tro-duc-tion, fan-tas-tic,
con-tact, fa-ci-li-tate
17. Noun: Look at your file.
Verb: She filed
her papers.
18. Movie- film
19. I bought a washing machine
20. Prefix ‘im..’ - immobile or
suffix ‘…ness’ - happiness
21. a) Noun+ Noun =
School+ boy = schoolboy
22. Cut off = stop ,
cut short = make shorter
23. Advertisement –
Telephone - phone
II.A. Fill in the blanks:
24. used to
25. goes
26. should/ must
27. will pass
28. who
29. impersonal passive voice
30. SVCA – He is a teacher in Chennai.
31. despite/ in spite of/ after/ before/ in/during
32. though/ although
33. demanded
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